Inspirations & Writings

When the Lord nudged me to take writing seriously
and be intentional about it, I thought,
"Why? The last thing our culture needs is one more person talking."

I delayed for a year.
Unfortunately, that delay brought negative consequences
that are better left unsaid for now.
Suffice it to say, if you know anything about Jonah,
you know it isn't a good idea to run from God's call.

So, in 2015, I began a writing ministry through monthly emails.
This page is a compilation of all those writings.
Wherever you are with the Lord, I pray these timeless insights
will draw you deeper into an intimate relationship with Him.

If you aren't on the blog mailing list yet,
feel free to sign up on my Home page.

No time to read? No problem! You can listen instead. Most of the writings on this page are recorded in audio format and are published on my Podcast Station. They are also available on all the other primary Podcast hosting sites, including YouTube.


Scroll down, click/tap the 'Read Here' button for the writing you're interested in, download it to your device, then enjoy reading. 
Podcast links are included in each blog as well. Be blessed!

The Biblical Cord

Don't miss this: it will amaze you! How is your umbilical cord a biblical cord? Your navel carries great symbolism in Scripture. Listen to this testimony and teaching, and be in awe of God. Then use these tools to walk in greater freedom, joy, and peace.

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Look what I discovered about FEET in the Bible. You'll be amazed! Have a little fun with me as I share these profound, exciting, motivating, and life-changing truths.
You are NOT de-feeted!

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In And For All

Giving thanks IN all things and FOR all things: now that's 100% complete gratitude. But how do we do that? It isn't as difficult as it sounds. Read here for freedom and breakthrough!

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As We Go

Look what happens "as we go...!" Cleansing, healing, purification. Protection, preservation, deliverance. Freedom and victory!
Open, read, and be made whole.

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How's Your Heart?

Rapid pulse. Erratic heart rate. Calcification, inflammation, and palpitations. So many dear people are suffering with heart problems.
How do we deal with this? 
How's YOUR heart?

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The Zone

Check out the definition of the word Zone. This is awesome! It's time to question your comfort zone, step into THE Zone," and go places you never thought you could go...
and love it.

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Free Birds

What's your birdie? What's its season? Nesting, Incubating, Birthing, Training, Launching, Empty-Nested?
Is it...flying free?

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What a Day

You'll have a hard time believing all this occurred in such a short time,
but it really did.
What on earth is happening?
A lot on earth is happening...

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Do you know what the word 'astonished' means? I thought I knew, but I didn't know its depths until I learned its Greek root word.
All I can say will astonish you
and greatly impact your life.

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 My Jealous Husband

Meet my jealous Husband.
No, he isn't who you think he is.
It may not mean what you think it means, either. Read about it and fall in love.

 Read Here


Get ready to revolutionalize your prayer life. Again. It's time to go sWording,
and the results are astounding.
You don't want to miss this!

Read  Here

What I Know I Don't Know

Here's what I know I don't know. It's a lot.
In every season, with every situation in life, there's always something we don't know,
you know? Read about how to live--
and thrive-- in that reality.

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To the Cemeteary

Look where I found myself as I pulled off to the side of the road to cry.
Do you have anything to cry about?
I get it. You aren't alone.
Join me in the Ceme-Teary and be comforted.

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The Blessed Exchange

You're invited to join a divine gift exchange. It's the party of the century. Can you make it? If so, you'll be radically blessed. Open here for all the glorious details. Then make sure you RSVP with a resounding 'Yes,' after you learn how deep God's blessings are towards us-- and ours are towards Him.

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What is a threshing floor experience,
and how can it impact our lives?

Listen to this beautiFULL testimony for bountiFULL blessings that will leave you wonderFULLy Full!

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The Serpent & The Light

You are invincible in Christ Jesus!

Check out this unique phenomenon that captures and delivers a powerful message of truth and light. When you live this way, nothing can steal your calling, blessings, or abundance in the Lord.

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Answers To Answers Double

We all want answers, don't we? What shall we do? How shall we do it? Where shall we go? When shall we go there? What if there were a way we could not only get answers to those questions, but also get double what we wanted...even beyond what we could think to ask? Listen to this modern-day parable and get all the answers you need (and more).

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The Willow Sisters

Meet the Willow Sisters, two majestic beauties that adorn the view from our front porch. They have much to teach us, especially after enduring a torrential storm with 80 mph winds. Read to the end-- you won't want to miss what the word Willow means.

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1 Hand, 2 Feet & a Mantle

Question: How many times did God part the waters? The answer may surprise you. It wasn't once, it wasn't twice, it wasn't even three times. It was more! Read and be equpped and encouraged. 

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The Gift

Here is a story that tells of an
incredible gift for someone else,
which became quite the gift to me.
Now it's your gift!
Enjoy receiving what can only come through the experience of others.

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The WARsh Room

After 3 1/2 years, I'm finally released and ready to share a dream I had, along with the overwhelmingly life-changing occurrences that took place following it. You don't want to miss this documentation of an incredible journey-- one that I believe will spill over into your life as well. 

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Out For Delivery

The truth is, it's been given to you, it's yours, you own it, and you've got it! Then why does it sometimes seem like this isn't true?  It may be that it's out for delivery but still in transit. Read here to discover what 'it' is and how to embrace it as you await its delivery on your doorstep.

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If you're breathing right now, then you're supposed to be alive. If you're alive right now, then there's a purpose for your life.  Click and read further-- this writing will unveil your purpose and leave you keep on breathing.

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The Fiery Fervent

What do anger, fire and fervency have in common? A lot. The 'fiery fervent' can be used for good or for bad, and when used for good, it's a force that is unstoppable, uncontainable, and gloriously contagious! 

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Don't Forget

Here is a simple reminder to not forget. Don't forget to do what? To remember!
To remember what? Read here to find out. It is well worth it to not forget.

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I Tree, You Tree

I tree, you tree, we're all... trees? 
You've got to see what I discovered
about this topic!
Open, read, and thrive, little tree.

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Dead Dreams

Don't let the title dissuade you- 
this writing is not depressing. On the contrary, it will lift you up
as you sink down into the soothing comfort offered by the hope of new beginnings. It's time to view dead dreams through the lens of autumn leaves.

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The Word Table

A friend asked me out of the blue,
"Does the word table mean anything to you?" Knowing I like patterns that appear in daily living along with Scripture searches and studies by theme, she was curious if I'd gotten any insight into the word "table". Or...was she asking about the "Word Table?" Check out here how the Lord revealed amazing things about both the word "table" and the "Word Table," prompted by a simple text.

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That Voice in the Box

Why were we traveling North and East? We needed to go South and West. It was all about that voice in the box. Here's the key to end up where you're supposed to be.

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Go Fish Save Fish

Check out how my perspective on fishing changed: Not only do I look forward to it now, but I also see how each and every one of us fits in the picture. You've got to swim into this amazing adventure!

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Read here about a glamper who goes camping, along with some super cool parallels between the temple of God, our bodies, and...Jesus' body. Are you ALL in?

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Take Five

Why did David take five stones to fight Goliath? Why not one, two, or three? Here's a new discovery of why he took five-- and it will impact your life in ways that will take out not just one or two but five of your own giants.

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Left to Cleft to Cleave

Did you know the word cleft has two radically opposite meanings?
For us in Christ, they merge to create an incredible, profound reality.
Don't miss this one.

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Time Remaining

Here is a timely lesson from a clock...
and a car wash.

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Soul Soar

Do you know why clouds can be so moving to the human soul?
Read here to learn.
It will make your soul soar,
providing the perfect prescription
for a sore soul.

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One Word (or Two) for Twenty-Twenty-Two

Here's an encouraging word (or two) --
not just for the new year but for all times. Within one week, God used several different people to converge several different events, summarizing it all into several powerful points.
Read and be comforted.

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A Lesson from the Littles

This story is adorable!
It's a must-read about a big encounter with a little 4-year old.
It's amazing to consider  the lessons we can learn from the littles.

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Stonething for Everyone

There are over 450 verses in the Bible that talk about  stones or rocks. After hours of study, I was amazed by how God uses this theme to reveal Himself to us.
This will rock your world.

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Our First Go-To

Check out this sign along the road!
The timing was incredible.
Only God can do this.
Let's 3-1-2.

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Tears Falling
Rain Drops

Look at what a problem with my eyelids produced: it's like a holy paragraph full of encouragement, purpose, and insight.

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Good News!

Despite all the bad news flung at us every day, this is the best news;
and, it's the only good news that will be yet again when we wake up tomorrow.

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Like Dominoes, Like God.  

Every step of our lives is aligned perfectly, even in the midst of imperfect things.
This story really did happen, and there's no way it was orchestrated by man.

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We. God. Covid.

Our family got Covid-19.
Can Pneumonia + four days in the hospital + 3 ER visits + a ton of misery = good?
Only with God. Read about the miracle. This is our story.

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From Here to There

Part 2 of my Covid experience:
A life-changing divine appointment that brought unexpected healing.
It took place in the hospital, of all places.

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Food for Thought

Here is an excellent, refreshing way to view food. Did you realize God created food for us to eat before sin and death entered the world? Think about that...

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Empty Spaces

Unexpected cancer, emergency surgery, and now an empty space.
How will it be filled?

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Your Such A Time As This

This moment in your life may indeed be YOUR "such a time as this." Don't miss it!

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A Tale of Two Talkers

Which one are you? We have a choice.

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A Perspective of Significance

Here's a significant perspective that is guaranteed to encourage and sustain you.

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Best Ever?

Treats from God can be expressed through the delightful innocence of a child.
Even in the worst of times. 

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not My Way

I'm so glad I did it God's way
and not mine.

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There's Room
for That

This sweet daydream took me to some of the most wonderful 'heavenly rooms,'and they're available to anyone, every day.

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No Matter What

We know not what tomorrow will bring. Surrender to God. With everything.
No matter what.

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Caring or Carrying?

Only two letters set these
two words apart...

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My Father's Planting

Decades later, the trees had grown tall and strong. 

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Speak the Symphony

Do you know how you can be a part of a global symphony with eternal impact?

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Forward Thanking

A playful way to view thankfulness. You won't forget, if you think of it this way!

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God's Corona

What does an eclipse, our current culture, and the word 'corona' have in common?

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Hands On,
Hands Off

We wanted so badly to get our hands on the situation and fix things...

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Missing the Desert for the Details

Seriously? We couldn't find the Sahara.

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Abide to Decide

Take a sigh of relief.
This is the key to every decision. 

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Are You Done Yet?

If we keep waiting to 'get done,' we may not get far. Maybe it's time to just go for it. (This was written at the unveiling of my website.)

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I turned 50, and it's awesome!

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God Our 4-11

This was my very first blog, documenting a cherished moment with God.

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Scroll down for more writings

"But I want you to know, brethren,
that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel,
so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest,
that my chains are in Christ; and most of the brethren in the Lord,
having become confident by my chains,
are much more bold to speak the word without fear."

Philippians 1:12-14

Who Is Your Super Hero?

To whom do we run?

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Spring Summoning

An awesome picture of Jesus and His words of assurance to all of us.

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Pharisee vs.
the Chair I See

Do you pull up the chair?

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You're Invited

This dear child invited a friend to his party, 6 months too early.

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Thirsty Lately

May our thirst be quenched by the everlasting fountain...

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Choking the Bread

The Lord revealed this timely word through a scary situation.

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Step Into the Jordan

It's time to step forward...

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Heart Palpitations, God's Revelations

What God showed me through heart palpitations.

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Do You 320?

Some fun with (and life-changing insights from) with the number 320...

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Little Corners

How can I be effective in my little corner of this vast world?

Coming Later...

Foxes on My Mind...
And in My Life?

I was surrounded by foxes. Check out God's message.

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Quick Change

We came this close to a tornado!

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“Oh, that my words were written!
Oh, that they were inscribed in a book!
That they were engraved on a rock with an iron pen and lead, forever!
For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth;
and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God,
whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another.
How my heart yearns within me!"

Job 19:23-27

Cry Out!

A powerful lesson from the number 333...

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Holy Paradigm Shift

This really happened: the stranger called my name and knew my infirmity.

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Be Nice to Me

What words do you use when you speak to yourself?

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Could I Betray Jesus?

I suddenly noticed that the communion bread in my hand was in the shape of a heart...

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Look at what the word 'abide' means!

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I Am Not Stuck!

So often we feel stuck in life's circumstances, yet, are we?

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Is it biblical to forgive myself? Is this something I'm to do?

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The Duck and the Fly

An unusual
experience with
(and lesson from)
a duck and a fly.

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The Beautiful Mess

Can anything good come from the messes in our lives? Yes, even beauty.

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"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer."

Psalm 19:14

Remember Back, Bless Forward

This is a lasting, effective way to invest in the next generation.

Coming Soon...

That Person

That person is not the problem!

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Freedom: Will You Receive?

We are free indeed!
Do you believe that?
Is there evidence of it in your life?

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Thankful for the Construction

What was a stunning, restful view turned into a loud, dusty upheaval...

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Prayer That Creates Nothing

This is fabulous. You can pray and create nothing!

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Pray-er That Moves Mountains

Part 2 to "Prayer that Creates Nothing." Powerful.

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To Love Myself or Not To

Is it biblical to love myself? If so, what does that look like?

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Can You See the Cross?

Look carefully, and you will.

Coming Later...

Our Right Hand Man

What an ordeal. Through it all, the "right hand" kept appearing.

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Sometimes the Voice of the Lord Does Thunder

There's a time for the still small voice of God. And then there's a time for His thunder.

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Happy Birthday...Jesus?

Have you ever considered this particular time of the year to be Jesus' birthday? 

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My Jubilee, Your Jubilee

Are you familiar with the word Jubilee? This is exciting.

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Is There Room for Jesus in this Mess?

He makes room for us. Will we for Him?

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Leanna Bolden

c/o Faith Church
Fairmount, IL 61841, US

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”
Isaiah 61:1-3

Eternally Speaking Now